NEIST Recruitment 2020 | Walk In for Project Trainee

NEIST Recruitment 2020 | Walk In for Project Trainee


North East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST) has announced a notification for the recruitment of Project Trainee Posts. Candidates who are interested and meet all eligibility criteria can read the Official Notification of NEIST Recruitment 2020 and can refer to the Official Website for more details.


NEIST Notification 2020
Name of the Organization North East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST)
Type of the Organization Government
Position/Designation Project Trainee
Job Location Assam
Vacancies 05 Posts
Official Website NEIST
Official Notification NEIST Notification


NEIST Eligibility 2020
S. No. Name of the Post Age Limit Educational Qualifications
1. Project Trainee Max Age: 25 Years 1St class Bachelor Degree Masters degree in Science with any discipline.


NEIST Vacancy 2020
S. No. Name of the Post No. of Posts
1. Project Trainee 05 Posts


NEIST Walk in Interview 2020
Selection Process Interview
Application Start Date 06.01.2020
Walk-In Date 13.01.2020
Walk-In Time
09:30 A.M. Onwards
Official Website NEIST
Official Notification NEIST Notification
Venue Conference Room, Floor Administrative Bldg, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam


Interested candidates can attend the interview with their relevant original marksheets, documents / certificates to the above mentioned Venue on 13.01.2020 at 09:30 a.m.

Did You Know?

Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Quiz Contest

A central tourism branch with the aim of raising awareness of the people of other states in the country Quiz program launched as an online platform. The aim of this quiz is to raise awareness of music, drama, cuisine, language, history and tourism in other states. Interested people can Participation this quiz competition through this link on or before 30 June 2020.

Daily Quiz

Question of the Day
Scientists recently discovered dwarf galaxies with massive black holes using Very Large Array (VLA) observatory. Where is the observatory situated?
                                           A. Japan                                        B. China
                                           C. U.S.A                                        D. Russia
Answer: U.S.A


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